Lamb Chops With Garlic Sauce

Lamb chops with garlic sauce are pan seared, so easy to cook and such a delicious and healthy option for dinner. Lamb chops have a richer and more savory flavor then beef and the ting T-bone steaks. Cook the lamb in melted butter until it has a deep golden crust, adding the chopped garlic  at the end so it doesn't burn. For the most tender meat, cook it to rosy, medium doneness. If you've never cooked lamb chops, this recipe is a great place to start.

Preparation Time: 15 min |Cooking Time: 17 min | Serve: 4


à­­ Lamb Chops: 8

à­­ Fresh Oregano(finely chopped): 1tbsp

à­­ Butter: 1 tbsp

à­­ Fresh Thyme(finely chopped): 1 tbsp

à­­ Salt: As per taste

à­­ Black Pepper: As per taste

à­­ Garlic: 4 cloves

à­­ Lemon juice: 2 tbsp


Step 1:

Remove the lamb chops from the fridge 20-30 minutes before cooking. Pat them dry with paper towels. Season lamb with pepper and salt and sprinkle lightly with thyme.

Step 2:

In a very large skillet over medium-high, heat butter until shimmering, Add lamb chops and garlic cook over moderately high heat until chops are browned on the bottom, about 3 minutes.

Step 3:

Add water, lemon juice, fresh oregano, and black pepper to pan and cook, scraping up any browned bits stuck to bottom, until sizzling, about 1 minute.

Step 4:

  1. Pour garlic and pan sauce over lamb chops and serve quickly.

How To Pick Lamb Chops:

à­­ The lamb should be a little bit more than an inch thick.

à­­ Marbling is not as important with the lamb compared to buying a piece of steak, but you want the fat to be evenly distributed.

à­­ When picking lamb chops at store, Look for the chops that are red to pink with white marbling.

à­­ There are different cuts of lamb chops: sirloin chops, lion chops, rib chops and shoulder chops. If you are able to pick one of them choose rib chops, as they are not super thick and not super expensive, and it is not tough.

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